Monday, July 16, 2007

Shouldn't President Bush Should Be At 80 % Approval

No, I am not crazy. I am asking a serious question. For years we have been spoon fed many givens as to what the American people want in their politicians. In my mind President Bush fits that mold perfectly. Let's look at the myths purported by the mainstream media.

1. The American people want an end to partisan bickering. They want both sides of the aisle to join together and work for the people.

Nice sentiment but there is a reason that there are two parties. The liberals, mostly in the democratic party, are wrong on just about everything and need someone to stop them from damaging this country. It is when those on the republican side of the aisle cave in to liberals that the American people become disgruntled. As to my theory...President Bush has tried everything to befriend the democrats. He has had top dems to the White House for dinner and has even joined them on legislation. President Bush joined with Ted Kennedy on education and immigration. What has been President Bush's reward for this compassionate conservatism? The left hates him with a venom never before seen. The media criticizes him no matter what he does and his poll numbers are in a plummet.

2. The American people want a president to govern on principle and not cave in to special interests.

President Bush has consistently said to hell with public opinion polls. He has always done what he thinks is in the best interest of the country. When the right pressured him to veto the McCain Feingold anti-republican campaign finance reform bill he did not. He nominated Harriet Myers for the Supreme Court over the objections of the conservatives. With a public brainwashed by the media now firmly against the war which at one time almost all of them supported, President Bush has pushed on. President Bush has put his middle finger in the air defiantly toward almost all of his supporters when it comes to immigration. Governing from a place of principle certainly has not elevated his approval rating.

3. It's the economy stupid!

This has always seemingly been true. Now, however, the economy is as strong as ever and we have full employment and President Bush has gotten no credit for it. The media has consistently held back on the good economic news to make sure that the casual news observer has no idea how strong the economy is. Having a good economic recored is useless if nobody knows about it.

There are more examples that I could point to such as fighting a war in a manner to appease your critics etc. My point is simple. What the American people truly want in a president is a strong conservative who stands up to his critics and can speak to the American people directly. The media will never support a conservative president so effective communication skills become far more important. Those who love this country better take all of this into account when choosing our next candidate.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Saving the republican party...Worth It?

The recent defeat of the Senate Immigration bill has breathed life into the republican party. My negative attitude towards the bill was that it would strike a death blow to the party that was once home to conservatism. That a bill so vile on it's face could come so close to being passed is a testament to why the republican party is in serious trouble. The conservative base will not vote for a monkey with the letter (R) next to his name. The conservative base expects candidates to govern on the promises that they made. When the right strays and takes up a spending barrage that dwarfs the liberals , conservative voters stay home. Conservatives in the house and the slim margin in the Senate that helped in defeating this heresy have given the republican party a chance to ward off certain defeat.

The republican party has strayed and many conservatives are fed up and have taken the view that America needs to see how bad the left can screw things up. I don't ascribe to this view. If Hillary Clinton wins the presidency with a democratic congress they can cause great harm to this country that I love. Allowing prospects such as high taxes, national health care, the fairness doctrine, more abortions, a continued war on Christianity, another Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court etc. are not worth it for me to prove a point. The republicans are the best hope for this country.

What must be done is actually quite simple, at least in theory. Conservative candidates must take on the entrenched party machine that governs in Washington. It's not easy to defeat these incumbents but in this climate of disgust it might just be possible. If these Senate elitists see a few of there colleagues defeated maybe they will start to wake up. The national republican party needs to find a mainstream voice that will carry on the legacy of Ronald Reagan. Our national presidential candidate must tell people why low taxes are good for the economy. They must explain the threats that face this nation and express why they have the stones to say "the hell with the media" and do what needs to be done. Our candidate must stand up for traditional values and the millions of Americans who are under assault by secular progressives. We need the rest of our leaders to stop attempting to appease the left wing and stand up for what is right. If our party would just stand on principle and communicate conservatism effectively we would once again feel proud to call ourselves republicans.