Well, they have done it once again. Liberals have once again proven why they should never again be trusted to lead this great country. In one of the most shameless acts ever by a United States congress the democrats and their liberal allies within the republican party have decided to side with Al Qaeda against their own country! A little strong you say...I think not. Let's look at the facts objectively. The United States is at war in Iraq whether we like it or not. Our troops on the ground have removed a vicious dictator who has committed genocide against his own people. The Iraqi people have risked their lives in order to vote in free elections. Our troops have killed ridiculously more enemy combatants than have been killed amongst our allied forces. Our military has secured about 80 percent of Iraq. The generals on the ground have stated that since the Bush surge policy has been implemented they are seeing swift and sure progress. Although unimaginable in 2001 after 9/11, the United States has not been struck by a terrorist attack. Even if one was to accept the premise dished out by the left that Iraq is a disaster being waged by idiots there are really two distinct choices. One is to change what has been done wrong and kick the living crap out of the enemy. That is the choice of victory and strengthening United States security. The second choice is to bow down to the terrorists, apologize for even thinking about challenging them and begging them to be nice and not kill too many people next time they decide to strike. This is the path of defeat and surrender. It is clear which path the left would have us take. The democrats have decided to throw in the towel and surrender to the Al Qaeda forces in Iraq! As has been proven time and time again the American left has no stomach for war and no clue as to how to protect this country. Yes, by demanding a timetable for withdrawal they have said that we lost! Thank God that President Bush will be vetoing this treasonous piece of legislation. In reality these democrats have no authority or power to waive the white flag. The damage though has already been done. By stating publicly that we have lost the democrats have given our enemies abroad and at home the ultimate piece of propaganda! The United States congress has officially voted to EMBOLDEN OUR ENEMIES! This is a disgrace that will cost American lives! I only hope that those conservatives that sat out of the last election cycle and allowed this UN-American bunch to take power are happy now! Liberals always look shocked when anyone states the truth and they take offense at anyone questioning their patriotism. Well, others may by afraid of that charge but I am openly stating that the American left and their allies within the republican party are NOT patriotic and are enemies of their own country!
A word on Iraq. My blog is fairly new and I have not yet had a chance to give my position on the Iraq war. I will gladly take this opportunity to tell you what I think. The media, politicians and pundits have made this whole debate far too complicated when it is really quite simple. When Saddam Hussein violated the first cease fire resolution following the first Gulf War, U.S. forces should have stormed the country and overthrown the government! President Bush was foolish to base the current Iraq conflict on weapons of mass destruction etc. The main argument should have been that a terrorist dictator who has repeatedly spat in the face of United Nations resolutions simply cannot be allowed to remain in power in the current world that we live in. The other arguments should have been secondary. September 11Th, 2001 changed how we have to look at our enemies. Regimes that have stated that they want us dead just might mean it! As to the war itself...Many have argued troop levels, the decision to disband the Iraqi military and all sorts of other minuscule issues. The fact is that the Iraq war has proven that you cannot fight a war in an attempt to please the media and critics. We should have fullfilled the promise of Shock and Awe and leveled Iraq. Terrorists hiding in Mosques should have been sent to Allah. War is bloody and when fought effectively many people die and many things are destroyed. Of course we should always attempt to limit civilian casualties but not at the expense of American soldiers lives. Following the leveling of Iraq and turning it into a military state the Army Corps of Engineers should have been sent in to start rebuilding the countries infrastructure and Iraqi police and military should have been trained. If we would have done this the country would have been secured in relatively short order before the insurgents had a chance to cause their havoc. The media and critics of America would have screamed but it would have been a short lived story that would have been laughed at by the American people. By attempting to appease critics this war has been dragged on so that the leftist propagandist media could change public opinion by reporting only the bad news. At some point in time conservatives have to realize that those on the left will never like them or attempt to do what is right for their country. Conservatives always take the high ground and state that they are not questioning any ones patriotism but I think with this latest vote by congress it is clear that the left are not simply UN-patriotic but are downright enemies of both our brave military and our nation.
Friday, April 27, 2007
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